

Sitting down on my bed, very quiet and alone and all I hear are fireworks in the distance. The wonderful day where everyone goes to the park and celebrates the arrival of daffodils. It’s the Daffodil Festival at Hubbard Park and anyone and everyone is there; teens, adults, children. Rides, shows, and food, it’s a minnie amusement park. Everyone celebrates the time when they know that Spring is here, a good family fun-filled time. And sometimes not so fun. Either way, I sit here and listen to the non-stop boom of TNT while trying to work on getting my psychology assignment done in time to submit it. Yet, I can’t help but think of a time when everything seemed so innocent. When life didn’t seem as busy or confusing. There was a time where I didn’t care what people thought about me and I was determined to do what I wanted to do and when I wanted to do it and no one could tell me otherwise. Somehow, somewhere, it all stopped and changed. Responsibility became my best friend and busyness became my secret enemy, it was like a sickness, or a malignant cancer that spread quickly. Yet, I was caught and entangled in it with no way out. And so the boom of the fireworks that I was hearing has now become the pounding in my head. A fatigue filled body, weak and mentally exhausted. The past few months and weeks have been daunting. The trials of life have left me somewhat discouraged and unworthy. The words “Give Up” have been knocking at the door of my heart and it hurts from all the knocking it’s been doing. It no longer is a knocking but a persistent bang, like that of the fireworks. And I sometimes fear that my heart won’t be able to take that beating anymore forcing me to “Give Up!” It’s funny how when things happen and it seems overwhelming we just want to toss in the towel and call it a day. But as much as I want to I guess I just wasn’t built for that. I’m fighting it through. The funny thing is that God has been knocking too, just not as hard. And sometimes I wonder why. Is He giving up on me? I don’t think so, because I know that He who began a good work in me will finish it as the word says. So why is it such a small knock? Maybe it’s because right now I’m focused too much on the situations that the persistent bang is much bigger than God’s knock. The situation wants to hurt my heart and beat it to death and God wants only to bring healing and life. There is still hope and so I continue to stand on God’s promises. God’s knock is the knock of hope and it’s the one that says “Don’t You Give Up, because you are created in My image and likeness. I‘ve never given up, I have never left you nor forsaken you, therefore I didn’t create you to give up. It’s simply not in you. Now Get up and go forward.” When we are discouraged, God becomes THE Encourager. When we are weak, God becomes THE strength. When we are sad, God becomes THE joy. When we cry,who catches our tears? The word STAND comes to mind. Stand like a soldier armed and prepared for battle, because times that are hard are going to come. There is no stopping it, but are we a tree swaying back and forth with the wind, ready to be uprooted or are we a fortress made out of rock able to withstand any storm or the persistent boom of fireworks? That’s where you decide. Whose knock are you willing to open to?

The Real Reason for the Season!!! <3


That special time of the year, where everyone hustles and bustles to get that perfect Christmas gift. 

I’m not going to lie, sometimes it may be fun and I’ve found myself to be consumed with the shopping every now and again,

But what do we think about when we truly think about Christmas? 

I mean… the REAL meaning of Christmas. 

It’s not called CHRIST-mas for nothing, you know.

I’ll give you a little history lesson, and I’ll make it easy to understand. 

  Way back when, over 2,000 years ago

there was a little boy who was born whose name was Jesus. 

He wasn’t just an ordinary boy, He was the Son of God, a Holy King. 

He was born with a purpose in mind. 

His destiny?….

to die and become a ransom for many. 

He paid the very price of our sin. What we were, He became… when He was innocent.

But He took it ALL for US! 

He saw the JOY that was set before Him, so He endured the cross. 

THAT was the GIFT that was given to us.

It was free for us, but it cost HIM a heavy price…

His LIFE!!!

Our gift was Salvation. 

“That whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have EVERLASTING life!”

(John 3:16)

“To those who receive and except that salvation, He gave the RIGHT to be CALLED the children of God, to those who believe in His name: who were reborn, not with a physical birth, or the will of the flesh or the will of man, but of God.”

(John 1: 12-13)

I am a daughter of the Most High because of what Christ did for me on that cross.

But I, in return had to give something to Him. 

Call it the “Catch” if you will, or the fine lines in a contract.

In return I had to surrender my life to Him, no longer am I my own, but I belong to HIM! 

And that’s the glorious thing about it. 

“For we don’t live for ourselves or die for ourselves. If we live, it’s to honor the Lord. And if we die, it’s to honor the Lord. So whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord.”

(Romans 14: 7-8)

That is the true gift and the real meaning of CHRIST-mas. 

HE is the REAL reason for the season! 

Let’s remember that when we come together with our loved ones. 

Because God loved US so much that He SENT His son to be born in a manger

with ONE purpose in mind. 








I asked God to take away my pain.

God said, No.

It’s not for me to take away, but for you to give it up.

I asked God to make my handicapped child whole.

God said, No.

Her spirit is whole, her body is only temporary.

I asked God to grant me patience. 

God said, No.

Patience is a bi-product of tribulations, it isn’t granted, it’s earned.

I asked God to give me happiness.

God said, No.

I give you blessings, happiness is up to you.

I asked God to spare me pain. 

God said, No.

Suffering draws you apart from worldly cares and brings you closer to me.

I asked God to make my spirit grow.

God said, No.

You must grow on your own, but I will prune you to make you fruitful.

I asked God for all things that I might enjoy life.

God said, No.

I will give you life so that you may enjoy all things.

I asked God to help me LOVE others as much as He LOVES me. 

God said….Ahhhhh…..

you have finally got the idea!!!

~Author Unknown~

My sister in law gave me this to read one day and I thought, WOW! What an incredible way to look at things. So this is for all those who have “Questions” on their minds that they have been wanting to ask God or has asked Him. I hope it’s as encouraging to my readers as it was for me 🙂


Photo taken by Tiffany Lara-Maldonado "Crystal Image Photo Art" (


Where did it go?

Have you ever looked at your surroundings close enough to wonder, just for a second where time went?

Don’t tell me you’ve never sat down and looked at your kids, younger or older siblings, or cousins, or family and friends and wondered…how did we all get here? My, my…how they’ve grown…how WE’VE grown.

I remember sitting down one day and staring at my, than, 12-year-old brother and looking intently at him that it scared him because I was so amazed at how he was just growing up so fast. We are 10 years apart, so you can imagine a 22-year-old looking at a 12-year-old gaunt little boy. And my sister, who was 10 years old than, was this little prima donna exploring the things she could get away with for being the youngest and daddy’s little girl.

Now this 12-year-old boy is no longer 12 but he’s 17 years old and this 10-year-old prima donna is no longer 10 but 15, I am no longer 22 but 27. Oh, the time, where has it gone? He’s no longer gaunt and lanky, but is now able-bodied and athletic. When he was 12 and she was 10 I didn’t have to worry because they were always in the house, my mom too strict for their own good.

What I see now is a soon to be 18-year-old and a just turning 15-year-old growing up too fast, too soon, out and about, no longer keeping to themselves in the house but going out into the world, parties, sleep-overs and teens! And I am just a spectator watching their lives as if it was my own. Worrying about them more than I ever had to.

Time…where has it gone?

I grew up in New Jersey, it was only four of us back than. My mom, dad, my older brother and myself.

I played outside with my older brother and friends til the street lights came on,

sat outside with dad as he would fix his cars. Oh, how I wanted to be underneath the car with him, getting dirty and always asking, “Daddy, daddy can I help?” The one thing he would say, “No, you can’t help, you’ll get dirty, this is a man’s job and you’re a girl. Now go play with your brother.”

I would ride my bike with the landlord’s daughter and my brother would ride on his roller blades or skateboard, and we would ride all day pretending that our bikes were motorcycles, and boy did we have the best in the neighborhood.

We had no cell phones, no texting and when it was a school day we would be at the table doing our homework where our parents could see us. Most of the time my head would be in the books… how I loved to read.

Those were the days of no responsibility, no worries to be had except our homework and chores.

Today, we are too busy for our own good and stressed til we are weak. These days parents don’t have time to spend with their children or be involved in their school work with them.

Kids have cell phones and texting to communicate instead of good one on one conversations…face to face.

The innocence of the world that I once knew is no longer the innocence of this age.

What happened?

Life, busyness, TECHNOLOGY!

There is now six of us, including my parents, and new additions to the family: a sister-in-law, two nephews and a niece. 


Now we have to worry about the time the kids come home because the streets are not safe as it once was. Babies having babies are most common and teenagers being disrespectful to the elderly is becoming the norm.

Life as we know it is changing with time.

But a few things that does not change….ever….



If we can ever so grasp that, and learn to live as God would have us live, than we will love all the more, laugh all the more and appreciate TIME a little more for our sakes and the coming generations.

The Burden that Compels the Heart

What does one see when they see our youth?

Photo taken by Crystal Image Photo Art

The generation of this time…

Can we say that our view of our youth is a good one? Or better yet, how is our youth portrayed in society?

If the answer to that question is a “no” or the way society or the “world” views our youth is a disturbing picture that we do not care to mention, than maybe that’s the problem!

Our view on this generation is so poor that we have given up caring one way or another about them. The thought bothers me. Lately, I have been losing sleep about it. Where is the sting of repentance? There is no true burden in our hearts anymore for this youth. I believe there are a rare few who have it, but what about the rest of us? There are how many billions of people in this world? Over half of them are youth, and many of those youth, according to society, will be highschool dropouts, end up in prison, many young teenage girls will become pregnant, and many already come from broken homes. According to an article in “Christian Today” from the youth that go to church 2 out of 3 of those youth will leave the church after graduating highschool.

What is wrong with THAT picture?


We, as adults, talk about our youth as if there is no hope for them anymore. That pains me, because instead of praying and fasting for them and weeping for them we have become spectators in a game of “Battle Ship”. What we fail to understand is that they need an encounter with God just as much as we do. But I think we are more so looking for our own encounter with God that we have forgotten that there are others fighting the same spiritual battle that we are fighting. 

I understand that we can grow tired of everyday life and we have our needs but the word of God says that we should not “grow weary in doing good for in due season we shall reap if we faint not” (Galatians 6:9), which means if we do not lose heart!

Our youth may be heading into a dark and dangerous path if we do not take a stand NOW and snatch them back from the darkness and into the light.

I, myself, have to repent of this lack of burden for this young generation. There is purpose for them still. Instead of tearing them down with our words, passing judgement on them because they lack respect or fail to see the right, we need to lead them. All they need is a leader who will guide them, love them and care for them. They are being misled by the lusts of this world and they do not see because there are not many who are willing to take on that HUGE burden in their hearts that will COMPEL them to move, compel them to advocate, and compel them to act, that come hell or high water no one is going to stop them from snatching back this youth from the fire and into God’s Holy light.

The youth of this generation is crying out for someone to save them, they are constantly being cast down by the words of society and they no longer know what it feels like to be free of the image that has been put upon them. They can’t tell you what real love is anymore because we have failed to show them what real love is. They no longer know what innocence is because we have only showed them corruption. They run from one thing to another seeking love and gratification but because we haven’t shown them how to seek the truth.


We MUST come to a point in our lives where we have to envision this youth as a key that will lead the coming generations to Christ. They have the potential to do that, but we have to see it.

If we don’t reach them first than the things that we dread the most will. It’s a scary thought isn’t it?

“Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them, for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven.”

(Matthew 19:14)

If Jesus thought of them in such a beautiful light, and He saw them as a priceless jewel that He would die for them just as He died for us…than how much more, because of His joy should we think them precious enough to fight for their salvation, fight for their innocence, and fight for their SOULS!

They need us to not give up on them, they need us to stand up on their behalf, they need us to…..


they need us to…..


they need us to….


If there is no one to do it? If there is no one to lead them? How will THEY lead a generation? Unless we rise and take up the BURDEN, how will they hear the good news?

“How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher?

And how shall they preach unless they are sent? As it is written: ‘How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of good news, who bring glad tidings of good things!'”

(Romans 10:14-15)

The burden I’m talking about is not the burden that most might think. It’s not a burden that becomes a drag for doing it, but it’s the burden in our heart that compels us to take action. Such a burden is not just a weight on our shoulders but a heaviness in our hearts so deep that we can no longer go on seeing our youth in the disparity they are in.

They cry, they hurt, some want out, and some try to find a way out by drugs, alcohol, sex, and even suicide.


Leaders……rise up and lead!!! They need us…all of us!

If we don’t, than someone else will. The question is, who is that someone?

Imagine a youth taking a stand, following Christ and leading others to Christ in the same way with a burden that is placed on their hearts.

I can! And I will!

Picture taken by Crystal Image Photo Art (


Something A Little Different- Singing “Wait”

So I wanted to try something different, you know, something out of my comfort zone and out of the norm. I put this little video together for you. Yes, I have to give my cousin Crystal Garcia some credit for this because she inspired me to do something different. Instead of blogging, I thought I’d put a little video. Maybe it’s a little corny that I’m singing for my future husband, whoever God decides to send my way. But Hey, I’m single and I know there have to be some single young ladies and fellas out there who may need a little encouragement. Wait on the Lord!

So I’m singing just a little bit of this song acapella from Group 1 Crew who is a Christian group and the song is “Wait”



Regrets!!! (For the young)

Has anyone ever had any regrets in life?

I know that there are many people who say “Live your life without any regrets, the mistakes you make learn from them. But have no regrets.”

Those are good words right there. I believe, in life, that we should not have any regrets. It may be a cliche to say that but there’s truth to that very statement. “No Regrets!”

But what about when you do?

Life is not always perfect, it usually comes with some hard times. I know this, believe me.

I’m saying this because, I, the imperfect creature that I am, have some regrets in life. I can name some but there is one thing that I regret the most and the one thing that I would like to focus on all the more.

My regrets:

I regret not living up to the standards God would have me to live. Even though it’s most likely impossible to achieve that standard, I regret giving up all to easily instead of pushing through just a little bit harder.

I regret treating my parents the way I did when I was younger, taking advantage of them and only thinking about myself. Even though seeing those things in my life and changing them, with the Lord’s help of course, it made me into a better woman and quite possibly, a better daughter. I’ve grown from that, but what I didn’t realize was the stress that would still drag along from all those years that is still affecting the people I love today.

I regret not taking God at His word when certain situations would come up and I wanted to do things on my own ability. I failed miserably without God.

The one thing I truly regret is not putting my all in highschool when I know I could have been that A+ student. I was capable of getting a scholarship to any college I would have applied to. Instead, I did my least when I should have done my best. I was hardly at school, always home doing my own thing. I didn’t put the effort I know I could have put in. I was super smart, but I didn’t give myself the chance. I gave up way to soon. Though I graduated from highschool, I barely made it. Now I’m in college at 27 years old. I started late, but now I have a purpose. I see that I am an A student and I’m probably one of the top Math students in my class, involved in the Math club at the college and one of the many top students in our Opticianry class. My work and study habits are exceptional and I push for nothing but the best out of myself. I see all these great traits in me now and I can’t help but be a little disappointed in myself. If I could have put this much effort back in highschool than college would have been over for me a long time ago, I could have been that doctor I wanted to become and my life would have been starting. Though I don’t regret all of it. That time of my life only made me realize how much more of God I needed. And all of that brought me to where I am now. I should not dwell on the past, because the future is only ahead. But if I can maybe, even the slightest bit encourage the young teenagers of this generation with these small regrets, than maybe…just maybe…they can take themselves seriously and learn from me.

For the teenagers:

Read that book that you don’t want to read because your friends might think you’re not cool.

Put some time aside just for studying on the weekends, if only to refresh your memory of what you learned during the week.

Get that extra help after school if you don’t understand something.

Don’t be afraid to ask questions.

Be yourself, instead of trying to be with the “in” crowd.

Take time and think about your life, your future, and how you treat your family. Odds are…if you don’t notice, someone else will and put you in your place. Drop the attitude…believe me…if you can nip it in the butt now, you will save yourself a long time of regrets.

Learn more of God…you are not guaranteed your next breath. Just because you are young it doesn’t mean you’re invincible. I’ve known or heard of too many young kids slip into eternity, just like that. And not many of them that knew Christ.

The one thing that I DO NOT regret is staying pure for God. Even at 27 years old, I am single and have never been married. I have never known a man in any sexual way…just staying pure for that one that God is preparing for me. Believe me, if I can do it, even though I was an outgoing, outspoken teenager, you can do it. There are too many young kids having babies and they can’t even support themselves. Purity is a sacred thing and the most beautiful gift you can ever give to your husband or wife. God loves a pure heart. Trust me…you will not regret it!!!

Love! Love! Love! <3

(1 Corinthians 13:4-8; AMP)

4. Love endures long and is patient and kind; love never is envious nor boils over with jealousy, is not boastful or vainglorious, does not display itself haughtily.5  It is not conceited (arrogant and inflated with pride); it is not rude (unmannerly) and does not act unbecomingly. Love (God’s love in us) does not insist on its own rights or its own way, for it is not self-seeking; it is not touchy or fretful or resentful; it takes no account of the evil done to it [it pays no attention to a suffered wrong].6  It does not rejoice at injustice and unrighteousness, but rejoices when right and truth prevail.7  Love bears up under anything and everything that comes, is ever ready to believe the best of every person, its hopes are fadeless under all circumstances, and it endures everything [without weakening].8  Love never fails [never fades out or becomes obsolete or comes to an end].


Love is such a powerful thing! Think of it, Christ died because of love. God spared us from an eternity in hell because of love. God gave His only Son because of love. We have continually been rebellious, unforgiving, cruel and unkind, and unloving to a more than loving sovereign King! But here God teaches us a little something on love, though it should speak volumes to every individual saved and unsaved…especially the saved! We are more so held accountable because we are His offspring! We should love the most because we represent the King who is EVERYTHING and LOVE!!! I will be the 1st to put myself out there as unloving…I have not lived up to these scriptures…I have not loved as Christ would have wanted me to love…

LOVE, without restraint…

LOVE, without condemnation or judgement…

LOVE, without barrier or restriction!

LOVE, with conviction and passion…

LOVE, in truth and liberty!!!

LOVE with acceptance, even the flaws…

LOVE no matter what the cost!!!

Because God loved us with such intent passion, He loved us with all our flaws and wretchedness!!! The evidence of

 such love was the very being that cost Him…LOVE came with a hefty price!

But it was love nontheless…

a Man hanging on a tree, broken, bloodied, nailed…innocence!!!

God demonstrated His love by this very picture of Jesus!

In His innocence He bore OUR guilt and became the guilty, the cursed, the wretchedness of humanity…

and He was not spared, nor did He want to be!


Because He saw the JOY that was set before Him so He endured the cross.

The true passion of the Christ…was the unconditional, unwavering, and unfathomable love of Jesus!




In return we should have that same love towards others and of course Christ.

Love with desperation and passion…LOVE WITH A PURPOSE!!!!!



A Silver-lining in my Valentine’s Day Saga <3

So the last blog I wrote “On Valentine’s Day” was a total ranting and raving about how more single and lonely I feel on Valentine’s Day. I compared myself to the likes of Jessica Biel in the movie “Valentine’s Day” with her psycho persona when it came to that “dreadful day”. Her “HATE-Valentine’s Day parties” because she was always alone that specific day came as a commonality to me. I feel the pain, I’ve been there. With her girlfriends around, taking their anger out with a bat on a candy filled pinata for all the men that have done them wrong, seemingly to “celebrate” their loneliness. Even than, for Jessica their was a silver-lining for her, even at her own “hate” party. The very handsome Jamie Foxx seemed to have her same thoughts on Valentine’s in mind which brought, even them, together.

So tells my tale…here I am sitting in the office at my work place, trying not to think of this day as any other day but ordinary. Though, in the back of mind all I kept thinking of was…”Wouldn’t it be nice to get some flowers, or a box of candy from a special someone.” As I was doing my work, I here a pull at the office door and I see a little man, no more than 3 feet tall, he had in his hands a bouquet of flowers, a heart-shaped box of “Hershey’s Pot of Gold Fine Confections Premium Collection” chocolates, and to top it off a HUGE heart-shaped balloon that sings “I Got You Babe”. My Valentine’s, from that moment, lit up. I open the door, and the little man with my mom, my brother and my sister in-law standing to the side, says in his extremely loud and high-pitched voice, “WILL YOU BE MY BALENTINE?” Yes…”Balentine”…not Valentine. I couldn’t help but cry…and there it was, my 5 year old nephew. Beautiful as he is, I was delighted, ecstatic, and he changed my view, if only for one day, what Valentine’s Day is really about… Love… not just for lover’s, husbands and wives…and most certainly not to drown your sorrows on all the different thoughts of singleness, but love for family and friends and more simply….LIFE!

So you see…even though my previous blog “On Valentine’s Day” was what made my sister in-law bring my nephew to me to change my mind about Valentine’s Day…the fact of the matter is that it did. So I still won’t put too much emphasis on this day because I still feel as if it is a bit over-rated, but I can have better thoughts on it and make it the best that I can and enjoy what’s left of it.

Thank you to my family, especially my nephew Jovani for helping me see and being that silver-lining for me…MY “BALENTINE”!!!


i ❤ (heart) u!!!!

On Valentine’s Day!!!

Okay, So here we have the big day!!! The day for lover’s!!! The day where people spend a lot of money on chocolate’s and candy and candle light dinners for their sweethearts.

AWWWW!!!! Isn’t that sweet? ❤

Well…no! Not for me…I’ll let you in on a little secret and I’ll tell you why.

Valentine’s is just a bit over-rated! There you have it! I said it! Whooo!!! It feels good to get that off my chest. 😉

Here is a day that was created for lover’s and sweethearts, a day that should be full of love and laughter and excitement, (for those who are in love, I’m not downing it for you, believe me), but I do believe it’s over rated. Now please don’t think me strange or weird, I like Valentine’s Day. I think it’s kind of humorous…I enjoy watching people spend their money and their time for the name of love and an ordinary day. Heck, I spent money to have a gift basket sent to my cousin in Syracuse to arrive just in time for Valentine’s. Ironic, is it not? Anyways, what do I know, I’m just the writer, the person behind the scenes, analyzing every detail about the worldly love and how it works and doesn’t work.

But…Here we have the typical Valentine’s “scene”… the chocolates, boxes of heart shaped gifts, flowers, roses, teddy bears, balloons, secret admirers and the like….OH, let’s not forget Mr. Cupid. The little guy that’s half naked with a bow and arrow shaped like a heart AND he has little feathered WINGS!!! I wonder who made that one up? I find the little guy quite funny. I understand the lovers have their day. Great…and so they should, but shouldn’t that day be everyday? Not just one single day. What happens when tomorrow, the day after Valentine’s, comes? Does everything go back to normal and sparks die down? So all these flower shops, candy stores, bakeries and restaurants make most of their money on this day. And I’m sure they don’t mind you spending your money either. They take your hard earned cash when all you really have to do is tell the love of your life, “Sweetheart, I love you and there’s no day in the world that can make me love you more because everyday is OUR day.”

AWWW!!!! Dito….isn’t that sweet? I would say it sure is.

But NOOO!!! We want the gifts, the candy, the special treatment. Who am I kidding I would give anything for THAT right now! Well…not really give anything….but I would appreciate it a whole lot.

Year after year…when it comes to Valentine’s…I am still single. No one to call my own. I’m fine with it…..ehhhh…..sometimes. But usually never around Valentine’s. That’s why I rebel against it…(and I will put that famous…LOL…that everyone LOVES so much. I should say I ❤ (heart) U, LOL!!!!

I’m not sure if you’ve seen the movie “Valentine’s Day” but I know for a fact that I’m Jessica Biel in that movie….the psycho chick obsessed with her “HATE-Valentine’s Party”, something single girls would obviously do because they never have a Valentine’s “someone”. Isn’t that a bit stereo-typical of us single women? Either way, it turns out she didn’t hate Valentine’s Day…she hated the idea of ALWAYS being alone on Valentine’s Day and went on this psycho rant about how everyone should be miserable with her. Well…some of it is me…I can soooo see her point and her frustration, but I wouldn’t go that far as to host a party in protest against Valentine’s Day…..instead….I blog!!! (Haha) Notice the laughter in there 🙂

So rest assured that this is not me bashing the lover’s “sacred” day…quite simply, only pointing out the obvious. So please don’t take offense. Just trying to have a little humorous fun with the day that I would really like to like….or like to love! ❤

Most of my valentine days were filled with single young women wanting to go out and have fun to “celebrate” or “party” away their loneliness. So at least we can say, “We are having fun and we don’t need men to make us whole.” And that is true….we most certainly don’t need men to make us whole because we are precious in the sight of God, but we can’t pretend that deep down inside what we WEREN’T really thinking was, “Darn!!! Another Valentine’s Day without the man of my dreams.” Or, “Awwww, look at those couples over there, why can’t that be me?” Our Valentine Days were filled with Sparkling cider and chick flicks and exchanging gifts to eachother as if saying we are lonely but we don’t have to drown our sorrows in beer or cheap wine. Instead we’ll drink sparkling cider and eat chocolate and watch movies while we cry ourselves to laughter or even laugh ourselves to tears. Whichever one works!!!

Amy, you’re my girl this year…I’ll race you to the lines of the flower shops!!! Hehehe!!!!

Ironic…….Isn’t it?