Tag Archives: flowers

On Valentine’s Day!!!

Okay, So here we have the big day!!! The day for lover’s!!! The day where people spend a lot of money on chocolate’s and candy and candle light dinners for their sweethearts.

AWWWW!!!! Isn’t that sweet? ❤

Well…no! Not for me…I’ll let you in on a little secret and I’ll tell you why.

Valentine’s is just a bit over-rated! There you have it! I said it! Whooo!!! It feels good to get that off my chest. 😉

Here is a day that was created for lover’s and sweethearts, a day that should be full of love and laughter and excitement, (for those who are in love, I’m not downing it for you, believe me), but I do believe it’s over rated. Now please don’t think me strange or weird, I like Valentine’s Day. I think it’s kind of humorous…I enjoy watching people spend their money and their time for the name of love and an ordinary day. Heck, I spent money to have a gift basket sent to my cousin in Syracuse to arrive just in time for Valentine’s. Ironic, is it not? Anyways, what do I know, I’m just the writer, the person behind the scenes, analyzing every detail about the worldly love and how it works and doesn’t work.

But…Here we have the typical Valentine’s “scene”… the chocolates, boxes of heart shaped gifts, flowers, roses, teddy bears, balloons, secret admirers and the like….OH, let’s not forget Mr. Cupid. The little guy that’s half naked with a bow and arrow shaped like a heart AND he has little feathered WINGS!!! I wonder who made that one up? I find the little guy quite funny. I understand the lovers have their day. Great…and so they should, but shouldn’t that day be everyday? Not just one single day. What happens when tomorrow, the day after Valentine’s, comes? Does everything go back to normal and sparks die down? So all these flower shops, candy stores, bakeries and restaurants make most of their money on this day. And I’m sure they don’t mind you spending your money either. They take your hard earned cash when all you really have to do is tell the love of your life, “Sweetheart, I love you and there’s no day in the world that can make me love you more because everyday is OUR day.”

AWWW!!!! Dito….isn’t that sweet? I would say it sure is.

But NOOO!!! We want the gifts, the candy, the special treatment. Who am I kidding I would give anything for THAT right now! Well…not really give anything….but I would appreciate it a whole lot.

Year after year…when it comes to Valentine’s…I am still single. No one to call my own. I’m fine with it…..ehhhh…..sometimes. But usually never around Valentine’s. That’s why I rebel against it…(and I will put that famous…LOL…that everyone LOVES so much. I should say I ❤ (heart) U, LOL!!!!

I’m not sure if you’ve seen the movie “Valentine’s Day” but I know for a fact that I’m Jessica Biel in that movie….the psycho chick obsessed with her “HATE-Valentine’s Party”, something single girls would obviously do because they never have a Valentine’s “someone”. Isn’t that a bit stereo-typical of us single women? Either way, it turns out she didn’t hate Valentine’s Day…she hated the idea of ALWAYS being alone on Valentine’s Day and went on this psycho rant about how everyone should be miserable with her. Well…some of it is me…I can soooo see her point and her frustration, but I wouldn’t go that far as to host a party in protest against Valentine’s Day…..instead….I blog!!! (Haha) Notice the laughter in there 🙂

So rest assured that this is not me bashing the lover’s “sacred” day…quite simply, only pointing out the obvious. So please don’t take offense. Just trying to have a little humorous fun with the day that I would really like to like….or like to love! ❤

Most of my valentine days were filled with single young women wanting to go out and have fun to “celebrate” or “party” away their loneliness. So at least we can say, “We are having fun and we don’t need men to make us whole.” And that is true….we most certainly don’t need men to make us whole because we are precious in the sight of God, but we can’t pretend that deep down inside what we WEREN’T really thinking was, “Darn!!! Another Valentine’s Day without the man of my dreams.” Or, “Awwww, look at those couples over there, why can’t that be me?” Our Valentine Days were filled with Sparkling cider and chick flicks and exchanging gifts to eachother as if saying we are lonely but we don’t have to drown our sorrows in beer or cheap wine. Instead we’ll drink sparkling cider and eat chocolate and watch movies while we cry ourselves to laughter or even laugh ourselves to tears. Whichever one works!!!

Amy, you’re my girl this year…I’ll race you to the lines of the flower shops!!! Hehehe!!!!

Ironic…….Isn’t it?